Non Profit
In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught."
Baba Dioum (1968 at IUCN)

Few Fijians get the chance to become a dive professional due to the high cost for the program. We want to make a difference and donate our time and major portion of the cost to train selected Fijians up to PADI Assistant Instructors. In addition we help them to find a job in the worldwide PADI community.
You automatically support our scholarship program as we dedicate a portion of every dive and course booking to it. Contact us, if you want to make individual contributions for our scuba scholars.
Marine Conservation & Volunteering

We believe in education to protect our environment. Rather than being authoritative, our initiatives are designed to increase the knowledge for a sustainable relationship with ocean life.
We are now offering a Marine Conservation Volunteer Program including practical field work at our Coral Restoration Project, installed in 2019 with the full support of the local community.
Other examples of protecting our environment through action and education are Cleanup Taveuni, teaching at the Primary School about marine life and its protection, cooperation with renowned organisations like Manta Trust and Reef Explorer Fiji, offering Project Aware courses and promoting responsible marine tourism.